I am free to be me!
Many years ago, I followed the mowing rules that had been explained to me as I cut the grass in my large back yard. I mowed the edges of the perimeter, making sure to mow over the previously cut grass clippings. I continued following the pattern and after three or...
Reveal Your Life Purpose
Do you ever question which direction you’re “supposed” to be heading? Or have you wondered if you’re making the “right” choices? I think many of us have been there! In this episode of Embracing Your Essence, we talked about some of the common perceptions and...
Reimagine Your Life
It's time to dig deep in your soul and to reconnect with your light. YOU ARE A LIGHTHOUSE What is a lighthouse? It is a beacon of light, it's purpose is to provide light and to guide others. It doesn't try to be anything else, it doesn't try to force people to change...
Transform Disillusionment
Have you ever been shocked to discover what you believed to be true, wasn’t? This is disillusionment. We normally think it’s a negative, something to overcome. But what If it’s an opportunity to live with more clarity? When we awaken spiritually, we can become...
Finding Hope in the Dark | Four Ways to Transform Hopelessness
“When is this going to end?” my client asked. “I’m so tired of not seeing my family and friends. I’m worried about getting sick. Why are people mean to each other?” I understood her frustrations. Uncertainty is our new normal, and it seems like everything is falling...
Empower Moment: 5 Minutes to a More Spiritual Life
Living a more spiritual life can start with a simple perspective shift. Embrace your spirituality to become a happier, more spiritual person... starting with just a few minutes of intention a day. Want...
Changing the World with Your Energy
It can feel like we have no power to change how we feel. We might feel that we can’t make a difference in anyone else’s lives. We’re currently experiencing an avalanche of unprecedented situations! We’re in the midst of a consciousness shift. When we live in the...
Peace in Turmoil
Can you have peace, even in turmoil? We are living in a turbulent time and all of us are experiencing varying levels of pain and fear. In many ways, we are in a war with the darkness that resides within the collective consciousness. In this episode of Embracing Your...
Loving Difficult People
We’ve all experienced difficult people. Some make illogical and inconsiderate demands. Others seem to enjoy criticizing you. Feeling defensive, we get trapped in challenging emotions. We’ve been wronged. We get wrapped up in the drama, feeling attacked and unworthy....
Break the Worry Cycle
When we’re in the throes of uncertainty, we can get stuck in obsessive worry. Sometimes we think if we only knew what was going to happen, we would feel better and have the peace we long for! In this episode of Embracing Your Essence, I talked about a way to rewire...
Learn the Secrets to a Meaningful Life