Ready to Accelerate Your Personal & Spiritual Growth?


Enrollment will reopen soon.



“Not only is this Universe stranger than we imagine; it is stranger than we can imagine.”

— Sir Arthur Eddington, Astrophysicist

If you are reading this right now, you’re probably like millions of Americans who define themselves as “spiritual, but not religious.” You’re seeking clarity, but haven’t found much in traditional places of worship or worse, see the glaring hypocrisy contained in so much of what is called “organized religion.”

You want answers.

You are spiritually curious. Maybe you feel like your Soul is calling you. You may have had a spiritual awakening.

You feel like your life should have more meaning and purpose. You want to know and be who you really are.

You seek, not superficial new-agey positive thinking – you want practical solutions to live a happier, more authentic life.

To make things harder, you may be surrounded by many people who don’t get you. 

Or worse, you are shamed or even laughed at, for believing in something beautiful that you can feel in your bones is true. 

You are, in a word, a mystic.

  • You have a deep sense that there is more to this world than your everyday mundane existence.

  • Maybe you’ve had experiences that are beyond belief, that can’t be explained logically. You’re compelled to learn more.

  • Perhaps you’ve had vivid dreams that foretold the future, sudden flashes of intuition, or memories of a past life.

  • You may have been suddenly flooded by an experience that left you speechless, moved beyond words, connected with something more powerful than you ever imagined.

  • Maybe you feel as though you’re in touch with someone you love who has crossed over.

  • You’re eager to accelerate your spiritual growth.

    We asked ourselves, when we first embarked on our spiritual journeys, what did we want? 

    Both of us knew we needed guidance. Support. 

    People around us who “got us.”

    We craved new experiences. 

    We needed teachers who did their best to walk the walk, and talk the talk, even though we couldn’t always find them. 

    We remembered what it was like to sense something spiritually, but not know what the next step was. 

    So, we get it

    We have what you have been seeking:

    The Soul Empowerment Community!

    It’s time to reconnect, with each other, with ourselves, and to the deepest most radiant loving and wise part of ourselves — what might be called our Soul.

    We’ll empower you to respond to that urgent call from somewhere deep inside, and reclaim a life of meaning, purpose, clarity, and connection. 

    It’s time to live in the truth of your Soul.

    Interested in strenghtening the connection to your Higher Power? Want to learn more about spirit guides, mediumship, past lives, intuition, psychic development, angels, or energy healing? 

    The Soul Empowerment Community is filled with open-minded seekers, just like you, where these topics are not off-limits!

    Imagine how different your life would be if you could speak freely about your deepest experiences and really be yourself!

    Our members say they feel seen, heard, and understood. They feel love, acceptance, hope, and joy! They’re excited to have new friends who get them.

    They know they belong.

    They know they matter!

    Like you, we are committed to finding a better way to live in this crazy world of ours!

    We are Lily Dale Registered Medium and Intuitive Life Coach, Colleen Vanderzyden and Licensed Professional Counselor, Gregg Unterberger, M.Ed.

    You might already know us from Facebook, YouTube, podcasts, radio shows, or our appearances on national television.

    Perhaps you’ve read our books, Courageously You and The Quickening: Leaping Ahead on Your Spiritual Journey, articles in national publications, or you’ve met us in our online or in-person workshops around the country.

    We’ve spent most of our lives intensely studying spirituality and psychology. We lecture nationally and internationally on topics like mindfulness, developing psychic abilities, past lives, how to be happier, and so much more.

    Putting these concepts into practice radically improved our lives and skyrocketed our intuitive abilities. 

    The Surgeon General has declared an “Epidemic of Loneliness” in the United States. Division and disconnectedness run rampant in today’s world. Social media “noise” pulls us incessantly in all directions, making clarity impossible.

    Increasingly, we heard from our clients, radio show listeners, and workshop participants that they yearned for a place where they could be understood without being judged and explore their Soul’s calling – a place where they could find guidance and answers. 

    We felt compelled to take action. Honestly, we felt called.

    We had to do something.

    And that’s why we created
    The Soul Empowerment Community! 

    Now, you have a home: The Soul Empowerment Community, where you can join other like-minded seekers, twice a month, for members-only online interactive events and two FREE annual exclusive in-person national workshops! 

    You’ll receive free downloadable e-books and articles and chat online with others who are seeking a better, happier life, just like you. 

    You’ll have access to deep dive, online, interactive, multiple-week intensives, exclusive interviews with nationally recognized wisdom teachers, and access to a members-only library of videos and articles, specially curated to answer some of your most profound spiritual questions, plus so much more! And all for a low monthly subscription! 

    Here is your chance to get clarity and accelerate your spiritual growth,
    strengthening the connection to your soul and fellow community members.

    As a Member of the exclusive Soul Empowerment Community, here’s what you’ll get: 

    Two live online events each month valued at $50.00 each, a $1200.00 value over the course of a year. (Can’t make an event? All events are recorded so you can watch anytime!)

    Two EXCLUSIVE, MEMBERS-ONLY, IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS annually, valued at $500.00 each, offered in various locations, a $1000.00 value. 

    Four to Six Week “Deep Dive” Online Intensives on specific topics offered throughout the year, valued at $300.00 each! 

    Exclusive, downloadable e-books, workbooks and materials valued at $75.00 over the course of the year. 

    Live, online members-only interactive interviews with authors, presenters, and nationally recognized authorities in psychology and spirituality.

    Your SOUL EMPOWERMENT online community where you can share experiences, ask questions of Colleen and Gregg, and make new like-minded friends as committed to their growth as you are!

    Honestly, the retail value on the community for a year would easily add up to well over $2500.00! 

    But you won’t pay $2500.00, of course.

    No, not even $1000.00!

    Enrollment in the Community is just $49/month!

    Imagine, all of this, for the cost of dinner for two. This incredible value is only available for a limited time.

    But you can get an even better deal than that!

    Enroll annually for only $490! It’s like getting two months for free!

    You save nearly $100/year!

    As long as you keep your membership current, YOUR PRICE WILL NEVER GO UP,
    whether you pay monthly or annually!

    PLUS you can bring a guest to both the online workshops
    and our in-person retreats around the country for FREE!

    Imagine how excited you’ll be to invite your best friend or partner
    to be your special guest for these fun, transformative events.

    It’s like getting two for one!





    We are absolutely certain you will find the Soul Empowerment Community so engaging, fun,
    fascinating, inspiring, and even life-changing, that you can try it as a new member until October 30, 2024 – and if you’re not delighted with the presentations, the materials, and our community,
    you can cancel your membership and we will completely refund all of your money, no questions asked!


    This special price is only available for a limited time.

    When this offer is over, the community will close to the general public.


    You’ll also get these exciting bonuses!

    Enjoy group online “gallery readings” with Colleen, who as a Lily Dale Registered Medium and Intuitive Life Coach, will provide intuitive life guidance, soul, past life, or mediumship readings. 

    Enter the VAULT OF WISDOM, an amazing online collection of curated articles and videos featuring both Gregg and Colleen, as well as many other wisdom teachers, to further inspire and inform you on your adventure of self-discovery. Unlock the VAULT OF WISDOM and take home its riches!

    Receive 20% off any workshops independently produced by Gregg and Colleen, such as  the Courageously You  Coaching Programs, the Transpersonal Breathwork Experience, and the Annual Reimagine Your Life Retreat! *Bring a friend to a workshop/retreat and they get the discount too!

    Think of everything you do for everyone else in your life…


    Do this for you.

    It’s YOUR turn to feel seen, heard, and understood by a group of people who will get you.

    Are you ready to live as your joyful, empowered self?

    If you’ve heard your soul calling you, it’s time to get the kind of support and guidance you’ve always wished for.

    How would your life be different if you had a medium, intuitive life coach, a psychotherapist deeply rooted in spirituality, as well as a committed group of like-minded seekers on your team?

    Imagine where you could go with that kind of energy in your corner.

    It’s time to move toward the life you were born to live – a life filled with more meaning, purpose, and joy!

    As you discover yourself at a SOUL level, you’ll learn to trust and believe in yourself.

    You’ll discover who you really are, and the power to change your life.


    As a Member, you’ll receive all of this for $49/month.

    But remember, you can get an even better deal than that!

    Enroll annually and you’ll save even more.  You’ll get a full-year subscription for $490 – the price of ten months!

    And, whether you enroll annually or monthly, you can always bring a guest to our online or in-person events. The bonus 20% discount for our independently produced workshops/retreats, can also be extended to a guest, as long as you’re present at the event!

    Enroll and explore the community until October 30, 2024, and if you’re not completely delighted, you can cancel your membership and we will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. (Refund applicable to new members only.) 

    Don’t forget, as long as you keep your membership current, YOUR PRICE WILL NEVER GO UP, whether you pay monthly or annually!

    Your Money Back Guarantee

    As a new member, explore the SOUL EMPOWERMENT COMMUNITY until the October 30, 2024!
    We think you’ll find it engaging, fun, fascinating, inspiring, and even life-changing.
    If you’re not delighted with the presentations, the materials, and our community,
    we will completely refund all of your money, no questions asked!

    Your Hosts:

    Colleen Vanderzyden

    is an Intuitive Life coach, Lily Dale Registered Medium, Podcast Host, and Spiritual Teacher.  She has been featured on CNN and in,, and The Washington Post.  She’s the author of Courageously You: Magical Mind Games to Get Unstuck and Reignite Your Joy

    Gregg Unterberger

    is a Licensed Counselor and a Brian Weiss Certified Past Life Regression Therapist. He developed Transpersonal Breathwork and Spiritual Activation, two modalities that make profound mystical states available to ordinary people.  Gregg’s the author of the book, The Quickening: Leaping Ahead on Your Spiritual Journey,” and an International Presenter for Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. 

    Our Members Love Our Community!

    Gregg and Colleen are the real deal: They possess the knowledge, have excellent credentials, are relatable, and are great teacher-coaches!

    MG, Community member

    A spiritual safety net for the soul!

    LO, Community member


    I know I’ve said it many times before, but thank you Colleen, for your thoughtfulness, kindness, and grace. In my experience it is rare and priceless. Some things I know, much I do not, but you are one of the most beautiful souls I have met in this incarnation. Your light is like the sun. A shining beacon for those trying to find their way home.

    CH, coaching client

    Inspiring, thought-provoking, great for seekers, as well as helping to resolve personal baggage. And the archived videos let me catch up on workshops that I’ve missed! 

    LC, Community member

    A refuge for empaths!

    AC, Community member

    A safe place for like-minded people who are curious about out-of-the-ordinary opportunities for living a spirit-filled life.

    GT, Community member

    As a Retreat Program Director, I have experienced the lessons of the gurus of our celebrity circle today. But Gregg Unterberger…shook me to the core of my very being…his work is literally life-changing, the most powerful in which I have ever participated!

    Darlene Wilson, Former Program Director, Omega Institute at the Crossings

    Welcoming…free of judgment…accepting everyone!

    RO, Community member


    A wealth of information, knowledge, and support!

    EA, Community member

    I appreciate so much the ease with which Colleen and Gregg share their intuitive skills and help guide each person towards their own truth. Masterful!

    DL, Community member

    It’s not like you can call 411 to contact someone to develop your intuitive abilities. And the Community has helped me  realize that there are people who are kind and supportive to assist me with developing my spiritual self. I feel more whole, more connected and more complete.

    GT, Community member

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What if I explore the Soul Empowerment Community for the trial period and I decide it's not for me?

    100% of your money will be cheerfully refunded, no questions asked, whether you pay monthly or annually, as long as you cancel by the posted date.  For those who join in October, 2024, cancel by October 30, 2024 and get a full refund.

    Can I join the group at a later time?

    You can only join the group during specific enrollment periods. However, you should know that if you register at a later date, it will likely be at a higher rate and you may be subject to additional fees.

    Can I invite friends to join?

    Absolutely! If you have like-minded friends, invite them by sending them the link to this page.
    Registration is open October 9-16, 2024.

    How do I access the community?

    The Soul Empowerment Community is hosted on the Mighty Networks site. Registration and account details will be automatically sent to you when you enroll.   

    What if I'm unavailable to watch one of the online events live?

    The twice-a-month online events will always be archived and available on the community site for you to watch and replay at your leisure.

    Is this group therapy? Do have to “share” my experiences with the group? Will I have to chat with others or turn my camera or audio on when attending events?

    Although we expect that our community will benefit from our workshops, this is not group therapy. And yes, we will invite interaction online for those who feel they would enjoy it, but this is not mandatory. Your level of participation and interaction are totally up to you! You are welcome to attend the two online events each month with your camera and microphone off, if you like! 

    Am I required to attend the in-person retreats?

    We would love to have you join us at either or both of our two in-person, members-only workshops around the country. It’s your chance to get to know us and your fellow community members. But none of that is required to be a vital part of the community.

    Do I have to convert to something or leave my current place of worship to be a member of this group?

    No, not at all! If you are an active member in your church, place of worship, or spiritual organization and feel like it contributes to your growth, we support you in continuing in that direction and welcome you to join us as well! 

    There are millions of people who don’t attend a place of worship, but they believe in something that is bigger than themselves — call it destiny, fate, evolution or quantum consciousness — and are looking for answers that they felt they couldn’t find in church. They are welcome here! 

    Still others may even be relieved to hear that they don’t really even have to believe in God to be a part of this community, just be open to believe that there must be a better way to live our lives from a place of authenticity, love, and truth! 

    © 2024 All rights reserved | Terms and Conditions

    Embrace the Light Within

    January 15, 16, 17, 2023 – 7:30-9:00pm EST

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