How do we maintain the optimism and hope a new year brings? I have one simple suggestion: Don’t do a traditional New Year’s resolution! In most cases, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. Instead of creating an external goal in the form of a resolution, set an Internal Intention.
Years ago, I went through a period of time where I felt out of control. It seemed like life happened to me and I couldn’t do anything about it. It was one problem after another. Work was stressful; there wasn’t enough time to do everything I needed to do. My relationship was frustrating and I didn’t feel heard or valued. I had frequent migraines. I was anxious and unhappy. I felt hopeless about creating a happier life.
Fortunately I woke up (which is another story), and I became aware of my inner self. I discovered I had the power to create a better life. I could be happier and less stressed, even with my life issues. Sure, I would have preferred all of my problems disappear, but that’s not how life works.
Don’t we all want to feel good? Happy? Less stressed? I’m not saying you should deny or ignore your negative emotions!! If you’ve ever watched my A1R Psychic Radio show you’ve probably heard me say it’s necessary to feel our emotions in order to process what’s happening. But we don’t have to stay in a negative place. We have the choice to create a different life experience, with more positive emotions.
Setting an Internal Intention is deciding to focus on an emotion you would like more of. Would you like more happiness, optimism, or peace? Every morning I set my intention for a positive emotion. As the day progresses, my choices reflect my intention. If I’m looking for more optimism, I focus on gratitude and positive aspects of my life. If I want more happiness, I avoid negative people. I choose inspirational reading rather than the national news. I don’t allow myself to get worked up over petty problems. I’m not always successful. Sometimes life gets the better of me. But overall, I’m much happier and less stressed.
This is a simple step to creating a better life. One moment, one day at a time. If your inner self is happier, you’ll be surprised to find your external life becomes more manageable. If life seems to be happening to you and it feels out of your control, set a daily Internal Intention. Be mindful of your intention as you make choices throughout your day. The next time life knocks you down or simply irritates you, the Internal Intention will help you access your power to create a happier life.
Learn the Secrets to a Meaningful Life

Good thoughts. I learned to set personal intentions long ago, asking myself to set personal intentions. I do this during morning meditation. I recommend it.
Morning meditations with an intention are the best!! It sets the tone for our whole day! Thanks for commenting!!
Colleen ~ What a wonderful way to take your mind off of any negativity, problems, or what might be interfering with your day to day life. This sounds very helpful and I plan on using your “Internal Intention “ when I find myself overwhelmed.
Currently I try meditating or placing myself in a bubble and try to get rid of any negativity i’m facing, but it’s not always successful.
HI Jan! I’m not always successful either, but that’s OK. I’m finding the more I work internally, the better my external life is. Things just aren’t as overwhelming! Most days anyway. 🙂 Saying a positive intention aloud, along with your bubble or meditation, will amplify your intention. It’s almost magical. Have fun experimenting with it!!
Woo Hoo , Colleen …. great message !!!! Thanks for the great advice
Hi MIllie! You are most welcome! It’s a fun, easy tip for a better life! Hope you had a great holiday!
Shock Yourself Awake: Next time you want to point the finger at someone and yell “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!” Notice the three fingers pointing back at you and quietly say to yourself, “How could I have done this to myself?”
As usual, you are very wise. Nothing like self-responsibility! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I love it!!