“Be who you are for who you are is blessed.”
I’m Rev. Colleen Vanderzyden
Registered Lily Dale Medium, Certified Intuitive Life Coach, Radio Show Host, AUTHOR & Inspirational Speaker
You’ve been led to the exact right place if you’re seeking connection & guidance.
While living in Lily Dale, the largest Spiritualist community in the world, I’ve been helping people just like you reconnect to loved ones who have passed.
Perhaps you’d like to learn more about who you really are and the power you have to create the life of your dreams! Or maybe you’d like guidance on how to navigate your challenges, live in your purpose, or strengthen your personal Soul connection. As an intuitive coach, I help you tap into your inner wisdom so you can confidently handle anything.
You can also tune into my radio show, join me at a transformative event, or read my book, Courageously You, to learn strategies that will help you be your awesome true self!
Let’s do this together!

I used to be a stressed-out, people pleasing worrier. I had no idea who I was or what I wanted. I would suppress myself – not speaking my truth – to avoid conflict. I put other people’s needs ahead of my own. I didn’t believe in myself. I had no awareness I could change how I was experiencing my life. I thought life happened to me and I couldn’t do a thing about it. I stumbled along as best I could in my overworked, overthinking, worrying life.
The collapse of my barn set me on a path I could never have imagined. After the barn collapsed, I called an electrician to check the electrical lines – I needed to know if they were live or dead. Instead of using a mechanical device, he used dowsing rods.
Dowsing fascinated me. It has many purposes including the most common of finding water for drilling wells. But it can also be used to access other information, provide life guidance, and answer questions.
Wanting to learn more, I went to dowsing conferences. While I was at one in 2000, I learned how to do automatic writing. My first attempt was a total failure. It was only made worse by my self-critical voice telling me I wasn’t good enough, that I couldn’t do this. I consciously chose to put that voice aside so I could try again.
This attempt was life-changing!
Within the messy writing was this message:
Be who you are for who you are is blessed.
At that moment I woke up from my unaware state. I realized I had no idea who I was but the life I was now living, wasn’t the life I wanted.
I began my self-discovery journey. That process led me to learn I was much more than I thought I was. I had an unaware, hidden power to create the life I wanted. Over the years – as I learned more about myself, who I was and what I wanted – I discovered I’d accidentally created strategies to handle my life problems. I noticed my stress level had decreased. I had unknowingly learned how to shift the self-critical, doubting, nasty inner voice. I was happier.
On my path, it became apparent my purpose was to help others step into their power. I became an energy healer, medium, speaker, workshop presenter, certified spiritual life coach, and an author.
I realized the strategies I’d unintentionally created could help other people transform their misery, worry, and stress. They could learn how to handle their life problems as they embrace who they truly are. They can lessen their doubt, learn to speak their truth, and shift the self-critical voice. It became my passion to analyze and refine those tools to help people navigate their paths to a more fulfilling, happier life experience.
As I say on my radio shows every week, my passion and purpose is to help you create your best life – to help you discover your inner power. If I can step out of my unaware state and into my powerful self, you can too!
The key is walking in the power of who you truly are.
And I can help you get there!

Mediumship – I’m a registered medium at Lily Dale Assembly, the largest spiritualist community in the world. I’m also a certified medium with the Arthur Ford Intl. Academy of Mediumship. I have taken workshops with many mediums including Janet Nohavec, Simon James, Brian Robertson, John Holland, Bill Coller, and the mediums at Delphi University, among others.
Intuitive Coaching – I’m a certified life coach from the Life Purpose Institute. I specialize in personal and spiritual transformation, helping others reclaim their power, learn to trust their inner guidance, and embrace their Soul’s truth.
Healing – I’ve been extensively trained in many forms of energy healing including Sound Healing (Jonathan Goldman, Charles Curcio), Reconnective Healing (Eric Pearl), Quantum Touch®, Harmonic Healing, Spiritual Healing and many others. I have developed my own method of healing, Luminescent Healing, bringing light and love to those in need. I no longer do private healing sessions but continue to teach healing methods and techniques to others.
- I host a radio show !
- I’m a professional violinist and retired public school music teacher.
- I have three cats and two adult children.
- I love to read a good book on a warm and sunny beach.
Mediumship Readings
Intuitive Coaching
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