Get Reconnected
When you need help navigating and returning to your true essence, a higher perspective is essential. You can gain insights when you reconnect to your passed loved ones and your higher self.
Mediumship or Soul readings, Intuitive Life Coaching
Courageously You: Magical Mind Games to Get Unstuck and Reignite Your Joy

Reconnect with passed loved ones
Get personalized life guidance
Be Courageously You
Reconnect with passed loved ones
Get personalized life guidance
Be Courageously You

I’m Colleen Vanderzyden
Medium | Intuitive Coach | Author
I’m a registered Lily Dale Medium. I’ve been communicating with spirits for about 20 years. You can find comfort & peace, reconnecting with the other side. I do readings in person in Lily Dale, NY and by video.
While reading for clients, I’ve noticed what is frequently needed is more guidance. You may be seeking knowledge from the other side, when the answers are within you. When you work with me through coaching, you’ll learn strategies to handle life’s challenges and reconnect with your true essence. Coaching sessions are in person or by video.
I’m looking forward to empowering you on your adventure of self-discovery!
Learn the Secrets to a Meaningful Life

“It probably comes as no surprise to you that this email comes 2 years ago to the date that you gave me a wonderful reading at Lilydale – which continues to feed and nurture me today, my mother’s birthday – it’s a very special day to me. You were able to connect with my mom and with my first husband…the mother who still has my heart and the husband I had hidden unresolved issues to heal with. You are truly wonderful and I feel connected with you still.” JC
“Since I last saw you there has been a whirlwind of change both around me and within me. The insight and mindfulness of those hours with you have grounded me and focused me more than I anticipated when I first began. I am still processing the things we discussed with the underlying themes of caring for myself first and creating a lifestyle that supports my social goals. Again, thank you so much. I called you my coach but you were more like a friend. Truly a memorable experience at a difficult fork in my path.” PN
“My reading with Colleen was amazing! Colleen connected me with several of my loved ones; including one in particular who I was most anxious to hear from. She provided me with validation for each of them, by sharing information that only my loved ones would know. During my reading, I laughed and I cried. Through Colleen, I felt their energy and their personalities. When it was over, I felt so very connected and comforted. It certainly was one of the happiest days I’d had in a long time.” VS
“I want to thank you once again so much for the beautiful life coaching session the other day!! You instilled such confidence in me and confirmed many of the ideas that had come to mind. I have to remind myself to stay focused and know that God has my back. I really wanted to thank you for sharing your own personal story. It meant so much to me. Our minds have such power over our bodies. Your beauty just shines. I am so grateful Keep shining that beautiful light xo” BO